DA 100 education influencers: Harrison Peters

Harrison Peters is the CEO and co-founder of Men of Color in Education Leadership (MCEL), a mentoring and PD organization that encourages men of color to aspire to principalships, superintendencies and other administrative positions.
Harrison Peters
Harrison Peters

Introducing District Administration’s first annual comprehensive list—in no particular order—of some of the country’s most influential, impactful leaders and innovators in K12 education. Collectively but in varying capacities they’re helping shape the future of students across the country— and around the world—by turning their passions into actions:

Harrison Peters is the CEO and co-founder of Men of Color in Education Leadership (MCEL), a mentoring and PD organization that encourages men of color to aspire to principalships, superintendencies and other administrative positions. The organization also works with districts to diversify building and central office leadership.

The DA 100 education influencers list.


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